The story is about three kids finding a soldier in the woods and helping him get across the channel to his home. The soldier has escaped from the war to go home to his sick brother.the three kids didn't tell their parents about him because he would get into trouble for leaving the war. He has a silver donkey which was given to him by his brother and his his good luck charm. He tells the kids many stories about donkeys and they like them so much that everyday they would go in to the woods to give the soldier some food and to listen to his stories.

i really like how the book leads up to the end when he gets home. there were a lot of good parts but I don't like how the stories are a hole chapter and the don't relate to the kids or what is happening at this time. I also don't like how the soldier lies to the kids, he tells them that he is blind and when his site comes back he lies to them and does not tell them about his recovery. generally I did not like the book at all, but that is just my point of view.

By completing this unit of work, I have learnt how to tag quotes in a book and then do a review on it adding in the quotes to back your answers. I have also learnt how to do chapter summaries and how to keep on track with the events happening in the book.

By Grace Branch 7F
hope you are O.K. we have been missing you terably.
can't wait to see you
from Grace